Expand Your Compassion

Journey into the hidden world of compassion and discover what it means to be truly compassionate

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The SCQ Video Series
Adaptations of the SCQ

The SCQ Adaptations are built on the same evidence base as the Gold Standard SCQ but are modifiable to different settings & populations. The SCQ-i asseses patients personal preferences for compassion.

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The SCQ Video Series
Using and Scoring the SCQ

There are some important tips and techniques to ensure you fully utilize the SCQ and do so in a rigorous and valid manner. Learn how to administer, score and interpret the SCQ in this video tutorial.

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Compassion Model Video Series
What is Compassion?

In these animated, evidence based, and interactive series of videos learn about what what kids, teens, parents and healthcare providers tells us are the key components of compassion.

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Compassion Model Video Series
Beneficence - Using Our Good Qualities for the Benefit of Others

Beneficience, the virtues that a person brings to another person's suffering are the catalyst to unlocking the power of compassion. This video introduces you to this foundational domain of compassion.

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